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Flea Market    sunday 12:30pm-1:30pm


Want to find a new home for your gently used games?

Go to Cardboardevents to rent a table in the Flea Market for $5 (while supplies last).


Sellers will be allowed to set up 30 minutes before the flea market begins. Once time expires after the market, please clean up your tables quickly as we'll have more scheduled events shortly thereafter.  


Buyers will not be allowed in the Gym during set up.  Doors for buyers will open promptly at 12:30.  Note: This is a cash only event so come prepared!  

Prototype Alley


Every year we're proud to feature yet to be published games from aspiring local game designers! Drop by the Alley to test out a new game or talk some serious shop with some of Edmonton's most innovative and creative minds.

Guest Hosted Games


Have a game you'd like to host yourself at GOBfest?  Use the "Submit event" feature in Cardboardevents and we'll work with you to arrange a suitable space.  Note, we may wish for you to host multiple tables based on demand.  Be prepared to answer questions from participants while you play.  

Open Gaming


Our GOBfest Game Hosts are on hand to help select and teach games from our convention library

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©2024 by GOBfest

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